January 2025
Our fourth product spotlight talks about our ECU manufacturing capabilites. Using the current CGM module as an example, we give some examples of what is possible. Spotlight #4.
December 2024
Our third product spotlight demonstrates a few new capabilities that have recently been added to the FSCRIPT compiler language: Barcode label printing, Flexstation-IOT power supply control and USB command interface for automated control from a PC. Spotlight#3
November 2024
Here is our second product spotlight, describing the extensive capabilities of the new Flexstation-IOT for ECU test, reprogramming and simulation tasks: Spotlight#2.
October 2024
Here is the first in a series of product spolights to showcase interesting use cases. This one involves a complex script to completely re-configure a Ford F150 from left-hand drive to right-hand drive. Spotlight#1
Also, check out more LinkedIn articles from our lead software engineer Kishan Prajapati:
CAN Training
FSCRIPT Scripting Language
MyCANIC-IOT Vehicle Interface
September 2024
The first step in software-defined vehicles includes complex configuration parameters in ECUs, often referred to as DIDs (Data Identifiers). To help with the complexity of setting these values, our lead software engineer, Kishan Prajapati, has implemented a utility to take spreadsheet data that defines DID value settings and turns it into code for our FSCRIPT compiler. See his LinkedIn post below for more details: LinkedIn August 2024
We welcome our latest distributor, Vehicle Testing Solutions, that will service the United Kingdom and all EU nations! We also have added an ultrasonic welder to our factory floor, improving our production throughput and quality for all ECU products. July 2024
We now have availiable and in-stock the latest version of our versatile testing/reprogramming/simulation equipment, the FlexStation-IOT. Check it out on our Products page!
April 2024 We have not posted news in quite a while, but this month we have been in business for 20 years and continue to grow. We just moved into our new facility in Mesa Arizona as we prepare for new business! August 2022 Our MyCANIC-IOT product is now available on our website! For organizations that want cloud server based control of their MyCANIC-IOT vehicle interfaces, please contact us to determine the best option for your applications/uses. April 2022 After two years of development, we are preparing to launch our most exciting product ever... the MyCANIC-IOT! It adds a host of new features beyond the MyCANIC-FD, including a high-resolution color screen and wireless connection to our cloud server interface. There is too much to mention in this short intro, so please check out our presentation slides for more details: MyCANIC-IOT Presentation July 2020 After several weeks of intense development and testing, Ford Motor Company has released a special version of our MyCANIC-FD-Lite tool that will perform a cabin heater process on certain vehicles. The tool is available now on our Ford Fleet Tools page.
September 2019 EEPod has developed an extremely powerful and low-cost ECU FlexStation test/validation platform. The FlexStation has the ability to perform complex electrical and CAN/CAN-FD network communications tests. It is controlled by the new MyCANIC-FD and a 0-28VDC programmable power supply capable of sourcing or sinking up to three amps. The FlexStation gives ECU hardware, software and test engineers the ability to run complex tests at their desk that would normally cost thousands of dollars at a test facility. They can also run the tests multiple times at no extra cost!
June 2019 After over a year of intense development and testing, EEPod has launched it's first fully-qualified production vehicle ECU with a major automotive manufacturer. In the process, we have increased our capabilities in EMC testing, environmental testing, security algorithms, EDI-based ordering system integration and high-volume ECU production. Give us a call to discuss your next generation vehicle ECU needs.
January 2019 After an incredible 15-year run, the product that started the company is retiring since we can no longer purchase parts for the manufacture of the McS1. If you need help upgrading to our latest vehicle interface, the MyCANIC-FD, please give us a call.
September 2018 EEPod is happy to announce the addition of INTECH (previously Tenfold) to our list of distributors. INTECH now handles sales, distribution and support of EEPod products in China.
May 2018 After several delays due to electronic parts availability, we are finally able to offer the new MyCANIC-FD for sale. You can order it directly from the Products page.
October 2017 EEPod is happy to announce the addition of Tenfold to our list of distributors. Tenfold now handles sales, distribution and support of EEPod products in China.
September 2017 Come join EEPod at the SAE OBDII Symposium in Anaheim, CA on the 25th thru the 28th. We will be announcing and demonstrating our new MyCANIC-FD vehicle interface!
June 2016 Our Heavy-Duty McS1 vehicle interface is now available for purchase. Several updates have been made to the electronics as well as the industrial USB connector. Check out our Products page for details.
March 2016 We welcome Tegara Corporation as a new distributor of EEPod products. They will make it much more convenient for our customers in Japan to place orders efficiently.
December 2015 We have recently added DashLogic as a distributor of our product line. We have worked with DashLogic (formerly Palmer Performance) for many years and they have optimized their applications to our vehicle interfaces. Please check them out on our Distributor page.
July 2015 We are up and running at our new facility! We were not able to keep our old main phone number, so please note the new one on our Contact Us page. "Thank You!" to all our customers for your patience during our move.
May 2015 In June, we will be closed for our company move to Apache Junction, Arizona. We will be closed from June 17th until June 29th. Our phone and fax numbers will remain the same and we will try to answer any urgent requests during the move.
November 2013 Our Heavy-Duty MyCANIC design has been enhanced with a more robust DB15HD connector, metal connector end panel, heavy-duty cable restraints and an improved ESD/EMC design on the USB connector. All these changes are a big "Thank You!" to our fantastic customers that have provided valuable feedback on their use cases.
April 2013 A joint effort by EEPod, Flextech and R & J Manufacturing has allowed us to produce the fastest and most cost effective high-volume module (ECU) stock reprogramming station available. This standalone unit contains a MyCANIC with your custom reprogramming software, a power supply and a custom molded ECU fixture with gold-plated, spring-loaded POGO pins for very high volume module reprogramming needs.
September 2012 The new MLite-K interface is available! It features four K-Thermocouple channels (0-1000 deg. C range), four analog inputs and fifteen digital inputs and two high-speed CAN interfaces. All of these inputs can be configured to be periodically transmitted on the CAN network using user-defined IDs and at user-defined rates for simple integration into your existing vehicle network. This greatly simplifies the task of collecting sensor data that is not present in the production vehicle.
March 2012 The obsolete parts in our McS1 product are now back in production, so we now have the popular McS1 Vehicle Interface back in production and available for ordering from the Products page on the website.
September 2011 The new MyCANIC-HD (Heavy Duty) version is now available. This version includes upgrades to the rubber boot, cable and carrying case as well as dust covers and cable straps to make the MyCANIC more suitable for industrial environments.
October 2010 Due to new credit card merchant account rules and fees, we have changed our website credit card processing to PayPal. This will keep our costs low and still allow customers to pay by credit card. NOTE: You do not need a PayPal account to buy our products.
May 2010 After six years as one of the most popular J2534 vehicle interfaces, the McS1 has been discontinued due to lack of availability of several of the internal integrated circuits. The powerful MyCANIC and MLite interfaces are now available for any current and future needs.
March 2010 A custom version of the MyCANIC vehicle interface is now available for Ford Fleet customers to perform the manual diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration routine on remote vehicles.
December 2009 The new low-cost M-Lite USB-to-CAN interface is now available. This interface has two CAN channels and is capable of monitoring, simulation, logging to an internal SDCard as well as analog and digital data acquisition.SimuCAN(R) now supports the MyCANIC to provide the most comprehensive and lowest cost vehicle network simulation environment for electronic module or vehicle development. This combination saves over $10K per development station with the highest performance available.
December 2008 We have negotiated better shipping rates from UPS and we are passing the savings on with much lower shipping and handling rates for local, out-of-state and international shipments.
September 2008 The much-anticipated MyCANIC(R) product is now in production! This new vehicle interface supports J2534 Pass-Thru PC applications with best-in-class performance, three separate CAN channels, a graphic user interface for standalone use, an SD/MMC card slot for data logging as well as flash calibrations, two spare analog inputs, a ruggedized enclosure and much more for just $575.00USD including the OBDII cable!
July 2008 EEPod recently completed a project for the joint hybrid bus project between Kettering University and the Flint Mass Transit Authority, using a custom version of our McS1 product to translate network messages between J1939 and DeviceNet for the complex hybrid control system. You can read more about this project at: http://www.kettering.edu/visitors/storydetail.jsp?storynum=621
June 2008 The McS1 Vehicle Interface has been tested and approved for use with the SilverScan-Tool software from RA Consulting. For more information on the SilverScan-Tool software, please visit their website at www.rac.de .
January 2008 We are now a distributor for the DataPro Software from EDGE Analysis. It is a complete data acquisition software for OBD-II diagnostics in all modes, read and clear DTC codes, 4 real-time views, analysis graphs, overlay plots and much more.Download the fully functional demo at www.edgeanalysis.com .
December 2007 EEPod LLC is moving to a new facility in Howell, Michigan. Our new facility will allow us to expand our business and offer many new products and services, including vehicle module testing / validation.
November 2007 The SimuCAN(tm) software is now available, offering real-time vehicle network simulation. With an introductory price of $495.00, engineers can have a full vehicle network simulation and test environment for less that $1000.00 (including the cost of an McS1 Vehicle Interface). Compare this to competitive packages that cost well over $10,000.00!
July 2007 We are offering two new products for converting high-speed CAN dual-wire to either fault-tolerant CAN dual wire or single-wire CAN. See our Products page for more details.
April 2007 We are now a distributor of the Palmer Performance PCMSCAN software that provides access to all OBDII modes and parameters for monitoring, logging, DTC reading and clearing as well as numerous other capabilities.
January 2007 A custom version of the McS1 (called VCI) is now being used in the Aston Martin Dealership Diagnostic System (AMDS) worldwide.
October 2006 The McS1 has passed CE certification and is WEEE compliant for sale in most European countries.
September 2006 Please note the change of our FAX number. The new number is 810-373-3580.
February 2006 The DgB1 data gateway bus interface is now available. The DgB1 puts data from four K-Type thermocouple on the vehicle bus so that it may be timestamp correlated with all other vehicle bus data. Future versions of the DgB1 will support T and J thermocouples as well as 0-10VDC and 0-100VDC analog inputs. Several DgB1 interfaces may be used in a single application where many channels are required.
October 2005 Ford Racing licensed the technology in our McS1 product to quickly launch the Pro-Cal interface. Pro-Cal allows Ford Racing to provide engine calibration upgrades that are perfectly matched to their performance parts. Please reference the following link for details.http://www.fordracingparts.com/performancepackages/performancepackages.asp
April 2005 The McS1 has been tested and approved for use with the Ford Module Programming software. Please reference the following link for details.http://www.motorcraftservice.com/vdirs/retail/default.asp?pageid=pubs_pcm&gutsid=pubs_pcm
January 2005 We now have Windows CE drivers and libraries available for PDAs with USB Host capability (e.g. Toshiba e400/e800). A PDA and McS1 offers a very portable and flexible diagnostic and reprogramming solution for well under $1000!
June 2004 Our first product, the McS1, is available. The McS1 is a pass-thru interface for communicating from a PC to a variety of vehicle networks, including CAN / ISO15765, ISO14230, ISO9141, J1850PWM and J1850VPW. In addition to the vehicle network capability, the McS1 has one 5-20V analog output channel, four 0-20V analog input channels and two digital I/O channels. The connection between the PC the McS1 is an electrically isolated USB implementation that will protect your PC investment while providing a simple high bandwidth interface necessary for demanding applications.
The first step in software-defined vehicles includes complex configuration parameters in ECUs, often referred to as DIDs (Data Identifiers). To help with the complexity of setting these values, our lead software engineer, Kishan Prajapati, has implemented a utility to take spreadsheet data that defines DID value settings and turns it into code for our FSCRIPT compiler. See his LinkedIn post below for more details: LinkedIn August 2024
We welcome our latest distributor, Vehicle Testing Solutions, that will service the United Kingdom and all EU nations! We also have added an ultrasonic welder to our factory floor, improving our production throughput and quality for all ECU products. July 2024
We now have availiable and in-stock the latest version of our versatile testing/reprogramming/simulation equipment, the FlexStation-IOT. Check it out on our Products page!
April 2024 We have not posted news in quite a while, but this month we have been in business for 20 years and continue to grow. We just moved into our new facility in Mesa Arizona as we prepare for new business! August 2022 Our MyCANIC-IOT product is now available on our website! For organizations that want cloud server based control of their MyCANIC-IOT vehicle interfaces, please contact us to determine the best option for your applications/uses. April 2022 After two years of development, we are preparing to launch our most exciting product ever... the MyCANIC-IOT! It adds a host of new features beyond the MyCANIC-FD, including a high-resolution color screen and wireless connection to our cloud server interface. There is too much to mention in this short intro, so please check out our presentation slides for more details: MyCANIC-IOT Presentation July 2020 After several weeks of intense development and testing, Ford Motor Company has released a special version of our MyCANIC-FD-Lite tool that will perform a cabin heater process on certain vehicles. The tool is available now on our Ford Fleet Tools page.
September 2019 EEPod has developed an extremely powerful and low-cost ECU FlexStation test/validation platform. The FlexStation has the ability to perform complex electrical and CAN/CAN-FD network communications tests. It is controlled by the new MyCANIC-FD and a 0-28VDC programmable power supply capable of sourcing or sinking up to three amps. The FlexStation gives ECU hardware, software and test engineers the ability to run complex tests at their desk that would normally cost thousands of dollars at a test facility. They can also run the tests multiple times at no extra cost!
June 2019 After over a year of intense development and testing, EEPod has launched it's first fully-qualified production vehicle ECU with a major automotive manufacturer. In the process, we have increased our capabilities in EMC testing, environmental testing, security algorithms, EDI-based ordering system integration and high-volume ECU production. Give us a call to discuss your next generation vehicle ECU needs.
January 2019 After an incredible 15-year run, the product that started the company is retiring since we can no longer purchase parts for the manufacture of the McS1. If you need help upgrading to our latest vehicle interface, the MyCANIC-FD, please give us a call.
September 2018 EEPod is happy to announce the addition of INTECH (previously Tenfold) to our list of distributors. INTECH now handles sales, distribution and support of EEPod products in China.
May 2018 After several delays due to electronic parts availability, we are finally able to offer the new MyCANIC-FD for sale. You can order it directly from the Products page.
October 2017 EEPod is happy to announce the addition of Tenfold to our list of distributors. Tenfold now handles sales, distribution and support of EEPod products in China.
September 2017 Come join EEPod at the SAE OBDII Symposium in Anaheim, CA on the 25th thru the 28th. We will be announcing and demonstrating our new MyCANIC-FD vehicle interface!
June 2016 Our Heavy-Duty McS1 vehicle interface is now available for purchase. Several updates have been made to the electronics as well as the industrial USB connector. Check out our Products page for details.
March 2016 We welcome Tegara Corporation as a new distributor of EEPod products. They will make it much more convenient for our customers in Japan to place orders efficiently.
December 2015 We have recently added DashLogic as a distributor of our product line. We have worked with DashLogic (formerly Palmer Performance) for many years and they have optimized their applications to our vehicle interfaces. Please check them out on our Distributor page.
July 2015 We are up and running at our new facility! We were not able to keep our old main phone number, so please note the new one on our Contact Us page. "Thank You!" to all our customers for your patience during our move.
May 2015 In June, we will be closed for our company move to Apache Junction, Arizona. We will be closed from June 17th until June 29th. Our phone and fax numbers will remain the same and we will try to answer any urgent requests during the move.
November 2013 Our Heavy-Duty MyCANIC design has been enhanced with a more robust DB15HD connector, metal connector end panel, heavy-duty cable restraints and an improved ESD/EMC design on the USB connector. All these changes are a big "Thank You!" to our fantastic customers that have provided valuable feedback on their use cases.
April 2013 A joint effort by EEPod, Flextech and R & J Manufacturing has allowed us to produce the fastest and most cost effective high-volume module (ECU) stock reprogramming station available. This standalone unit contains a MyCANIC with your custom reprogramming software, a power supply and a custom molded ECU fixture with gold-plated, spring-loaded POGO pins for very high volume module reprogramming needs.
September 2012 The new MLite-K interface is available! It features four K-Thermocouple channels (0-1000 deg. C range), four analog inputs and fifteen digital inputs and two high-speed CAN interfaces. All of these inputs can be configured to be periodically transmitted on the CAN network using user-defined IDs and at user-defined rates for simple integration into your existing vehicle network. This greatly simplifies the task of collecting sensor data that is not present in the production vehicle.
March 2012 The obsolete parts in our McS1 product are now back in production, so we now have the popular McS1 Vehicle Interface back in production and available for ordering from the Products page on the website.
September 2011 The new MyCANIC-HD (Heavy Duty) version is now available. This version includes upgrades to the rubber boot, cable and carrying case as well as dust covers and cable straps to make the MyCANIC more suitable for industrial environments.
October 2010 Due to new credit card merchant account rules and fees, we have changed our website credit card processing to PayPal. This will keep our costs low and still allow customers to pay by credit card. NOTE: You do not need a PayPal account to buy our products.
May 2010 After six years as one of the most popular J2534 vehicle interfaces, the McS1 has been discontinued due to lack of availability of several of the internal integrated circuits. The powerful MyCANIC and MLite interfaces are now available for any current and future needs.
March 2010 A custom version of the MyCANIC vehicle interface is now available for Ford Fleet customers to perform the manual diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration routine on remote vehicles.
December 2009 The new low-cost M-Lite USB-to-CAN interface is now available. This interface has two CAN channels and is capable of monitoring, simulation, logging to an internal SDCard as well as analog and digital data acquisition.SimuCAN(R) now supports the MyCANIC to provide the most comprehensive and lowest cost vehicle network simulation environment for electronic module or vehicle development. This combination saves over $10K per development station with the highest performance available.
December 2008 We have negotiated better shipping rates from UPS and we are passing the savings on with much lower shipping and handling rates for local, out-of-state and international shipments.
September 2008 The much-anticipated MyCANIC(R) product is now in production! This new vehicle interface supports J2534 Pass-Thru PC applications with best-in-class performance, three separate CAN channels, a graphic user interface for standalone use, an SD/MMC card slot for data logging as well as flash calibrations, two spare analog inputs, a ruggedized enclosure and much more for just $575.00USD including the OBDII cable!
July 2008 EEPod recently completed a project for the joint hybrid bus project between Kettering University and the Flint Mass Transit Authority, using a custom version of our McS1 product to translate network messages between J1939 and DeviceNet for the complex hybrid control system. You can read more about this project at: http://www.kettering.edu/visitors/storydetail.jsp?storynum=621
June 2008 The McS1 Vehicle Interface has been tested and approved for use with the SilverScan-Tool software from RA Consulting. For more information on the SilverScan-Tool software, please visit their website at www.rac.de .
January 2008 We are now a distributor for the DataPro Software from EDGE Analysis. It is a complete data acquisition software for OBD-II diagnostics in all modes, read and clear DTC codes, 4 real-time views, analysis graphs, overlay plots and much more.Download the fully functional demo at www.edgeanalysis.com .
December 2007 EEPod LLC is moving to a new facility in Howell, Michigan. Our new facility will allow us to expand our business and offer many new products and services, including vehicle module testing / validation.
November 2007 The SimuCAN(tm) software is now available, offering real-time vehicle network simulation. With an introductory price of $495.00, engineers can have a full vehicle network simulation and test environment for less that $1000.00 (including the cost of an McS1 Vehicle Interface). Compare this to competitive packages that cost well over $10,000.00!
July 2007 We are offering two new products for converting high-speed CAN dual-wire to either fault-tolerant CAN dual wire or single-wire CAN. See our Products page for more details.
April 2007 We are now a distributor of the Palmer Performance PCMSCAN software that provides access to all OBDII modes and parameters for monitoring, logging, DTC reading and clearing as well as numerous other capabilities.
January 2007 A custom version of the McS1 (called VCI) is now being used in the Aston Martin Dealership Diagnostic System (AMDS) worldwide.
October 2006 The McS1 has passed CE certification and is WEEE compliant for sale in most European countries.
September 2006 Please note the change of our FAX number. The new number is 810-373-3580.
February 2006 The DgB1 data gateway bus interface is now available. The DgB1 puts data from four K-Type thermocouple on the vehicle bus so that it may be timestamp correlated with all other vehicle bus data. Future versions of the DgB1 will support T and J thermocouples as well as 0-10VDC and 0-100VDC analog inputs. Several DgB1 interfaces may be used in a single application where many channels are required.
October 2005 Ford Racing licensed the technology in our McS1 product to quickly launch the Pro-Cal interface. Pro-Cal allows Ford Racing to provide engine calibration upgrades that are perfectly matched to their performance parts. Please reference the following link for details.http://www.fordracingparts.com/performancepackages/performancepackages.asp
April 2005 The McS1 has been tested and approved for use with the Ford Module Programming software. Please reference the following link for details.http://www.motorcraftservice.com/vdirs/retail/default.asp?pageid=pubs_pcm&gutsid=pubs_pcm
January 2005 We now have Windows CE drivers and libraries available for PDAs with USB Host capability (e.g. Toshiba e400/e800). A PDA and McS1 offers a very portable and flexible diagnostic and reprogramming solution for well under $1000!
June 2004 Our first product, the McS1, is available. The McS1 is a pass-thru interface for communicating from a PC to a variety of vehicle networks, including CAN / ISO15765, ISO14230, ISO9141, J1850PWM and J1850VPW. In addition to the vehicle network capability, the McS1 has one 5-20V analog output channel, four 0-20V analog input channels and two digital I/O channels. The connection between the PC the McS1 is an electrically isolated USB implementation that will protect your PC investment while providing a simple high bandwidth interface necessary for demanding applications.